Some of the largest stocks of Forklift Truck LPG parts in Europe
Some of the largest stocks of Forklift Truck LPG parts in Europe
Here is a quick guide I have produced, showing some of the negative and positive points to consider when choosing a Forklift Truck for your business. For more technical information click the link just below, any other questions get in touch...
+ Outdoor usage
+ Cheap to run - Fuel efficient
+ Robust - Sturdy
- Emissions - not best indoors
+ Power and torque
+ Maintenance
+ Readily available
- Emissions (although better than diesel)
+ Clean - Environmentally friendly
+ Quiet
+ Compact
- Charging constraints - off run whilst charging
+ Best performers
+ Indoor and outdoor flexibility
+ Comfort
- Maintenance
+ Clean burning - low emissions
+ Sealed system
+ Cost efficient
- Fuelling stations
CNG is still under development, in terms of availability it is not as mainstream as other fossil fuels.
Fuel cell technology has been in test for a while, there are now some companies releasing trucks with this new technology. Watch my blog for more information.
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